Our Mission Statement
“Through proper coaching of fundamental football skills, we will build a strong #FoundationFortheFuture where all players will #WinAllDay in the classroom, in the community, and on the field.”
Our Coaching Philosohy
We are building the foundation of the Ephrata Football program. We will not define success based on wins and losses on the field, but by the growth and development of each player. When we build relationships and foster positivity through constructive coaching; success will not come because we tell the players they HAVE to win, but because the players will find the motivation within themselves to WANT to win. Finding the ability to self-motivate is a skill that will stay with them through the rest of their lives. We are here to help them become young men that excel in the classroom, make a positive impact in the community, and win on the field. When players achieve success in that order, everyone wins.